Wednesday 3 December 2014

Study Task 5

Possible Research Proposal 2 

1. How has the social standing of female prostitutes been effected by misogynistic patriarchal society within English history?

2. This proposal allows me to look at how religion, the change in royal families, industrialism and the era of sexual liberation affected prostitutes within England. Because western history, especially English, is heavily documented and is a lot easier for me to access and visit sights and museums where I can further reach things compared to trying to find out more 1st hand research on non western countries. 


  • Visit a female sex worker and talk to her about her personal experience with peoples treatment of her as a sex worker. 
  • Bullough,V Bullough,B (1978). Women And Prostitution A Social History. Amherst, New York: Crown Publishers .
  • Carter,S (2004). Purchasing Power: Representing Prostitution in Eighteenth-century English Popular Print Culture. Ashgate: Ashgate Publishing Limited.
  • Walkowitz,J (1982). Prostitution and Victorian Society: Women, Class, and the State. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 
  • Rossiaud, J (1988). Medieval Prostitution. New York: Basil Blackwell. 
  • Mazo Karras,R (1998). Common Women: Prostitution and Sexuality in Medieval England (Studies in the History of Sexuality) . Oxford: Oxford University Press. 
  • Roberts,N (1998). Whores in History: Prostitution in Western Society. Pennsylvania: Diane Pub Co
  • Quaife, G.R. (1979). Wanton wenches and wayward wives : peasants and illicit sex in early seventeenth century in England. London: Croom Helm.
  • Henderson,T (1999). Disorderly Women in Eighteenth-Century London: Prostitution and Control in the Metropolis, 1730-1830: Prostitution and the Metropolis, 1730-1830 (Women And Men In History. New York: Routledge.
  • Otis,L.L (1985). Prostitution in Medieval Society: The History of an Urban Institution in Languedoc. London: University of Chicago Press 
  • Love for sale with Rupert Everett,2014, Television Programme, Channel 4, UK, 05 May

4.I want this essay to be a semi sequential look of the changing social status of prostitutes throughout England's history that I could look at turning into a sequential comic which is like a translated synopsis of what my essay looks at in more detail.

5. I decided to focus on the history of female prostitutes social status because it allowed me to either show a progression or digression in the way women in prostitution are viewed. By looking at England I can focus on one cultures history and perception and look more in depth at England's social change had changed the general publics view of female prostitution as well as giving myself a continues focal point to stop me drifting into other countries and doing a brief broad over view rather than an well researched and in depth view. 


Intro (300)
 Briefly explaining how the essay will look at the way England's view towards female prostitutes has not been as linear as thought. I will be debunking these misinterpretations by looking at how England's relationship with prostitution has fluctuated from mediaeval time to modern times. Looking at how religion, the industrial revelation and feminism has effecter England's view of female prostitutes.

Main Body (1500)

  • Medieval Prostitution, religion and misogyny
  • Industrial revolution & Victorians
  • Now third wave feminism  

Visual Examples




Conclusion (300)

Overall concluding that the social status change of female prostitutes  within England is heavily interlinked with a misogynistic patriarchal society that switches between viewing women as objects of commodity, sexual deviants, constant victims or they are constantly victim blaming and slut shaming these women. 

Fig.1 Landsberg, Hans (1180) 'The Whore of Babylon' [Hortus deliciarum]

Fig.2 Hogarth, William (1732) 'A Harlot's Progress ' (Pt.1) [Etching series] 

Fig. 3 Toulouse-Lauterc, de Henry (1894-96) 'The Sofa' [Documentation of the lives of prostitutes] 

Fig. 4 Bonfils, Robert (1964) 'Sweet Slut' [Book Cover]

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Task 3- 500 word Analysis

This image relates to a 2013 article from the Hollywood reporter, a gossip magazine about the exposing of models and actresses becoming escorts for powerful businessmen as a means of money or to further their career.

 This illustration bases itself off the social culture of the Cannes film festival, it’s based on capitalistic view that sex workers gain more social acceptability when they are earning a high amount of money from rich clients. The image makes prostitution look glamorous and almost James Bond-esque. A common trick gossip magazines and sensationalising media does which is 'perpetuating a falsely positive perception of global sex industries, and contend that this constitutes a form of symbolic violence' (Bourdieu,1990)
The setting of a high-rise flat and yacht in the background makes it seem like a glamorous job; however that is only due to the sense of exclusivity that is given to the illustration by looking through a keyhole. The keyhole serves two purposes the former has been explained but the latter is the concept of the altercation happening being one that is still a taboo scenario, showing how even in the most luxurious of scenarios prostitution is still stigmatised. Usually Cannes like many other cities tries 'create the image of a modern city, attractive to both tourists and capital, prostitutes are denied public space, criminalised, and associated with poor immigrants who are trafficked as sex slaves and subject to deportation.' (Freire,2009)

'Prostitution is an integral part of a patriarchal capitalism' (Pateman,1999), and this illustration highlights the strong and heavily evident patriarchal and capitalistic society that surrounds prostitution. The fact that the man is fully dressed while the woman is almost nude holds strong implications of female submissiveness and male dominance. The John chooses how much of his and her clothes stay on; he has all the power in this scenario, he has the money the clothes and the control.

The media used reflects the idealisation of prostitution. The use of digital media it allows you to create a sleek piece of illustration that is  clean cut and devoid of markings it is manufactured in away that makes it easy to swallow for the consumer with out really looking into the complex and morally grey world of prostitution.

The Article content itself goes along with the notion of the prostitution rings in Cannes being a very appealing venture for young women who want to make a lot of money. By emphasising the fact that some Hollywood celebrities do it and the fact that you could earn up to $40,000 in one night the article glosses over the fact that many women have been coerced into prostitution on false pretences and do not get the money they worked for as it goes to their pimp. 

The image also reflects this by the way the woman struts confidently towards the man giving off the idea of a woman who has power and is this seductress rather than a woman who is doing this as away of making money. However ‘prostitution is a classist, ageist, racist and sexist industry in which the disadvantaged sell services to those who are 
more privileged’ (Overall,  1992) so depicting the woman as having the power turns the viewer thoughts away from the reality the prostitution is rather a patriarchal based business than an act of empowerment.
It all focuses on the male gaze, lifting guilt off the man by saying well it’s obvious the woman wants it. An image and article like this that idealise the sex working industry is partially to blame for setting up the notion that money can by consent and makes you question if 'the typical "John" asks the woman "Are you sure you want to..." or does he he assume that once he pays her, her wishes no longer matter' (Hampton, 2007)

It focuses more on the glitz of the Cannes film festival sex industry than it does on the more serious issue of illegal prostitution and sexual coercion.

On the whole the illustration and article shows how prostitution is heavily reliant on a capitalist and patriarchal society but it does raise the question; when analysing in more depth of whether prostitution is a form of sexual slavery or if they are two separate things.

Cardona 1905 Prostitute at Jardin De Paris
Fig. 1
Aad Goudappel - child abuse
Fig. 2
The Sofa 1894-96.   Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. An inveterate chronicler of the colorful and tawdry nightlife of fin-de-siècle Montmartre, Lautrec set out to document the lives of prostitutes in a series of pictures made between 1892 and 1896. In creating these uninhibited works, he seems to have been influenced by Degas's monotypes of brothel scenes and by erotic Japanese Shunga prints.
Fig. 3
Fig. 4

With civil commitment, child-pornography offenders can be imprisoned indefinitely, lest they molest children when released. Illustration by Noma Bar/Dutch Uncle.

Fig. 5


Bourdieu, Pierre (1990). 'The logic of practice' 1st ed, Cambridge: Polity Press.

Freire, Luna Juliana (2009) , 'Urban Capitalism and Prostitution: An Analysis of Princesas', Volume 7, No. 1, University of Arizona, p24  

Pateman, Carole, (1999) 'What's Wrong with Prostitution?' Women's Studies Quarterly, Vol. 27, No. 1/2, Teaching About Violence Against Women, pp. 53-64 

Overall, Christine (1992). What's Wrong with Prostitution? Evaluating Sex Work. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. 17(4), p724

Hampton, S (2007) 'Drawing the line: Is prostitution consensual sex for a
price or men’s violence against women?' Available:  ,Last Accessed 4th November 2014

Fig. 1, Cardona, Juan (1905) 'Prostitute at Jardin De Parid' [Print]

Fig. 2 Goudappel, Aad (2013) 'Child Abuse' [Editorial]

Fig. 3 Toulouse-Lauterc, de Henry (1894-96) 'The Sofa' [Documentation of the lives of prostitutes]

Fig. 4 Bonfils, Robert (1964) 'Sweet Slut' [Book Cover]

Fig. 5 Bar, Norman (2013) 'The Science of Sexual Abuse' [Editorial]

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Study Task 2

A Harlot's Progress

William Hogarth-1732

William Hogarth A Harlot's Progress, plate 1, April 1733

A Harlot's Progress Plate V, The Death of the Harlot

William Hogarth A Harlot's Progress, plate 6, April 1733

Iker Ayestaran-2013

$40,000-a-Night Escorts: Secrets of the Cannes Call Girls

How different societies and cultures have depicted women in the sex industry throughout history within art.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Library Research Task

I chose the Happy Stripper because it looked at how women's sexuality has changed over time to be something she can own and control rather than something that is seen as non-existent or a defect.
This led me to also get out the Science and Sexual oppression which looked more at why the culture of women being non-sexual beings developed in the fist place. 
