Thursday 3 December 2015

Censorship and 'Truth'

About reportage photography.
Censorship in art, advertising and photography.
Ansel Adam
Age of propaganda the everyday use and abuse of persuasion,

Pravda = Truth  
censored and filmed

Body Manipulation

The Mexican Suitcase the need for negative to prove Positive 
Manipulation of imagery for own cause
Death of a Loyalist Soldier -Robert Capa 

At that time [World War II], I fervently believed just about everything I was exposed to in school and in the media.  For example, I knew that all Germans were evil and that all Japanese were sneaky and treacherous, while all white Americans were clean-cut, honest,fair-minded, and trusting’ Elliot Aronson in Pratkanis and Aronson, (1992), Age of Propaganda, p. xii

‘Whereas representation tries to absorb simulation by interpreting it as false representation, simulation envelops the whole edifice of representation as itself a simulacrum.  These would be the successive phases of the image:

1.It is the reflection of a basic reality. 
2.It masks and perverts a basic reality. 
3.It masks the absence of a basic reality. 
4.It bears no relation to any reality whatever : it is its own pure simulacrum.’ 
Jean BaudrillardSimulacra and Simulations, 1981, in Poster, M. (ed.) (1988), Jean Baudrillard: Selected Writings, Cambridge, Polity Press, page 173

Reportage photography was only allowed to work in this pool are censored and allowed to do only a few things.

 They choose what people see. They made the war a media event.

 The dead Iraqi soldier Kenneth Jarecke 


oliviero toscani united colors of benetton

This lady is laying down and sex only happens on the back laying down put her up by 90o. 

Make out with your weird limbed son, Do it.

The folly of Defining Serious Art, 

The talk got a bit dodgy and lots of naked kids and the idea of self and censorship. 
Michele Cornoyer The hat. Being interfered with. 

The line of decency and indecency is similar to purgatory as in it's dodge as fuck. 

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