Thursday 10 December 2015

Cop- Sub-Cultures

Subcultures start edgy but become conventional and commodified.

Punk- anti-capitalist anti everything- changing fashion, music, 

Different to be a punk and buy punk. Capitalism has turned a threatening movement into a joke
Dir. Don Letts
 started out as alienated urban class youth both black and white.

taking an edwardian uniform and turning it in for the working class 
middle class youth culture - abandonment
working class youth culture -tight

Teddy boys fought black folks

Teddy boys same time as Rockers
Rockers came out of an american culture

Rockers were the ones who showed the generational gap
media integral for national sub-cultures

The essence of subcultures is elitism

drug culture disenfranchises the youth sub cultures.

Ready, set, Go

It diluted the mod culture the didn't like it

British like to go to war


working class low impoverish black and white kids.

Rude boy culture Jamaican-British

Skinheads weren't originally racist

Southern Soul boy - Northern Soul Boys

Wigan was the pilgrimage place

Are Soul Boys the Purest form of Sub-Culture

Punk comes from Art School

Only ironic pastels 
reggae and punk


The more there written about more the cultures lasted shorter.

football hooligan destroyed by E

Rave sub-culture- is when kids stop dressing up


Children of Thatcher 

Wah wah millennials have the internet and they didn't 
We gotta make a sub-cultures 
Sub-Culture is alive but hiding.

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