Thursday 28 April 2016

End of Module Evaluation 501

I always enjoy the context of practice module, it allows me to go about a project in a mostly research lead based way. Since realizing in my practice last year that I tend to work well with research led based work I knew that this module would be very beneficial to me in developing my practice further. I found myself forced to deal with some of my practice flaws, such as me inability to hone in on one singular thing so tat most of my research tends to be too broad which is then reflected in my essay and makes it so that I’m never really able to evaluate and craft arguments out of the information given. I tend to churn out information without reflecting and evaluating on it. Because of this I wanted to tackle a question that was focused more on the Question side of cops essay so that I would have to look deeper in depth and be more critical about information collected in research and become pickier with the research questions I chose.

I struggled for quite a while with the essay question, I feel back into trying to fit too complex a topic into 3000 words, which tended to leave me more confused and frustrated than anything else.  However through one on one and group tutorials I was able to hone my question into something that had a clearer focal point than before. I found that the Context of Practice Lectures, specifically of identity and the classroom theory really helped me to get to the root of what I wanted to look at and what methods and theories I needed to further my knowledge of to implement alongside my initial research. Theory is something I really enjoy which is surprising because I’ve always dismissed theory for some reason. Social theory has become particularly interesting to me especially when coupled with Identity and racial theory.

Because I ended up doing such as narrow question (in comparison to pervious questions) for my final essay I was able to pick up on points that if a broader essay question was done instead I wouldn’t of been able to touch on. As a result of this I felt like I understood and implemented this idea of synthesis between the practical work and the essay. The more I understood and involved myself with my essay the clearer the concept for the book became.

The practical side easily reflected the written side in that I was really all over the place at first. Wanting to do paintings for cop meant that I tended to become narrower minded about the work I was making and became more focused on media than context. However after re-doing the essay my priorities instantly changed, the context and concept I wanted to look at was suddenly far more important than the media. However I found that when I started reestablishing the meanings behind paintings I felt the need to do more than just use Velcro or magnets to remove the black people out as showing there interchangeability to western nobility in 17th & 18th century, the work I was making felt too literal and it’s bluntness left me unenthused.

After a Brief tutorial with Richard, I was reminded of both the importance of tutorials and critiques; the fact that I can’t just sought everything out in my own head, although I like to think I can, outside perspectives allow me to look at my work from a less intimate point of view, making me more aware of flaws I was too close to see at the time. Secondly while my whole essay solely focused on a historical era of time, by contextualizing my practical work within a contemporary context I was able to create work that was subtler in it’s concept and in the end something I was much more proud of.

Creating the book wasn’t difficult once I had my sound Idea of concept and context in mind. I’d just say that if I had reached these conclusions sooner it would have allowed me more time to experiment with media and the tone of the book. As it stands though I can’t really complain. Maybe if I’d have developed it more I would of started to loose the concept in the mass of refinement. Though initially the choice of creating a colouring book came from the need of convenience if I were to have more time to do it again I wouldn’t colour it in. I felt that both adults and 16+ children as both a way of relaxing and a way of teaching could use the final product.

Overall this Module has been a success in helping me develop and refine both my essay skills and my ability to synthesize the practical and written together. The building and developing of these skills has become almost central to my practice.

Final Essay

Final Book

New 501 Task 5 revisited

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Task 5 cop3

Issues when making the book

  • Creating the book cover was much more difficult than it should have been. 
  • I had some major issues embossing onto both bookram and black card so I couldn't create the book cover I wanted to.
  • I ended up going with a simple black card cover with no writing on because personally I thought that worked better.
  • I just added on a belly band with the book title as an simple way of showing what this was about. 
  • If I were to do this again I'd definitely spend time making a stencil to get clean and accurate lettering on the cover. 

Sunday 24 April 2016

Change in Essay

My Initial Essay Question was going to be about the lack of representation of the Old Mistress within Art History.

  • Then about whitewashing of History
  • Then  How was the foundation of modern day anti black racism was created in the Enlightenment era?  -which was my first essay draft.
  • However after talking with Richard I realised that the question was still too broad and it didn't allow me to really sink my Teeth into it, so My final question became Scientific Racism: How is the scientific theory of races in the enlightenment era was used to justify black inferiority, reflected through 17th-18th century art?

All the changes towards my essay question were really beneficial for me as I was able to do deeper analysis with each narrowed down question as well as forcing me to triangulate more naturally within my essay.

 I was able to get to the end of my essay and not feel like I needed another 1000 words to summaries or reflect and evaluate within it.

Saturday 23 April 2016

Initial Ideas -Book wise

  • The first were made as I was trying to figure out my essay question. Using More classic painting techniques for slightly more abstract imagery I think it well represent me being all over the place.
  • The hot dog books were just after the first draft of my essay I think they reflect the broader way I was looking at race and the Enlightenment era within my essay.
  • Developing the idea of re-identifying famous white figures in art as black was quite shallow and reflected the lack of depth and analysis of my first draft. 
  • The collaged and Velcro images were more insuite with my revitalised essay which looked more in depth at the significance of the positioning of black people within 17th & 18th Century paintings. Going with that I thought a more interactive element of being able to take the black person in and out of the image allowed the reader to see how interchangeable and throw away black people were viewed as being back in the day. 
  • The final Images are all evolved versions of the last to concept changes really. After talking to Richard about my new essay and him questioning how I could see it within a more modern context. I began to see my book as not just a summary of my essay (which I did) but began to see it as another learning tool to go antithesis to the essay. Reconfiguring the scale of 17/18th century paintings to focus on the black servant changed the dynamic of the painting and the value of the black servant. However by replacing the unknown blackamoor faces with Iconic black people within the pop-culture community the images then started today something entirely different from their original meaning. 

Thursday 21 April 2016

Change idea for Book

After talking to Richard about putting my essay in a contemporary context when it comes to my book I decided to use this as a way of looking at the relationship between 17th/18th century and modern depictions of black people. The aim of these images is to repurpose the way in which black people are depicted within the old oil paintings as inferior and submissive. I aim to take the submissive role of the black image in enlightenment art and create a series of illustrations that redefines the black image as something more magnificent.

This image is the Black boy with Paston treasures is poised and set in away to show the boy as a material object alongside his other riches he is merely a status symbol for rich white noble men. However using Gucci Mane in this image changes it from a servant who is posing as part of his master’s treasures to turning the image into a black man with his wealth. He is no longer an object but a patron of wealth.  

Wednesday 6 April 2016

Crits and Reflection

The crits were more important to me towards the end of the module, especially after changing my essay questions into something that was more specific and streamlined.
From these crits I learnt that people really responded to the idea of intractability within the work they were looking at and that using interactive elements weather colouring in or Velcro helps to educate people more efficiently on what you're trying to teach them.