Sunday 24 April 2016

Change in Essay

My Initial Essay Question was going to be about the lack of representation of the Old Mistress within Art History.

  • Then about whitewashing of History
  • Then  How was the foundation of modern day anti black racism was created in the Enlightenment era?  -which was my first essay draft.
  • However after talking with Richard I realised that the question was still too broad and it didn't allow me to really sink my Teeth into it, so My final question became Scientific Racism: How is the scientific theory of races in the enlightenment era was used to justify black inferiority, reflected through 17th-18th century art?

All the changes towards my essay question were really beneficial for me as I was able to do deeper analysis with each narrowed down question as well as forcing me to triangulate more naturally within my essay.

 I was able to get to the end of my essay and not feel like I needed another 1000 words to summaries or reflect and evaluate within it.

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