Wednesday 8 June 2016

Black British Creatives

At the moment i'm trying to compose a database of black british poets, artists, filmmakers,authors, historians and look at how the are representing the black form in contemporary society.

It is only recently we have been able to represent ourselves and our portrayal to the media.

I also am looking in conjunction how the black image has been represented throughout british history in art.

Looking at both and gaining more knowledge on black image representation throughout history should help lead me to a cohesive and specific dissertation.

I've already begun to contact filmmaker Cecile Emeke and I hope to contact others and talk to them in regards to both their practice and how they feel the representation of the black briton has change over the years.

I want to look at the contrast between the black image represented by white men back in the day and the way black creatives represent the black image now.

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