Thursday 9 June 2016

Trying to work Out my Disertation

Okay I don't really have an idea of what I want to do specifically. I'm trying at the moment to work towards what I think the lectures want to see and not something I'm specifically excited to do my dissertation on. I feel like for a maturer essay I need to focus on the contemporary black imagery but I would like to focus on historical aspect of the black image and underrepresented black historical european figures. The lack of documentation and acknowledgment of these figures is something that frustrates me greatly. I want to look into and research greatly historical black european figures in, either italian or english history who are significant but have been erased due to historical whitewashing, the atlantic slave trade and post 16th century racism.

Things I want to focus on in my dissertation

  • 2-3 Black European Figures who have been Erased and underrepresented in european history
  • Look at how Erasing these figures from european history is of form of anti-black racism 
  • Find theories and methods used to slander/demonise a race of people
  • Look into how the change in the way the black image was presented in art links to the acknowledgment and documentation of non-slave based black europeans. 
  • Theories on art reflecting the mindset of a historical period as well as social, political and cultural biased rather than it being a true objective documentation format 

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