Friday 23 October 2015

Context Session 2

Split into theme groups (only one doing history) joint with one techonology and one maybe culture. Explored all the relatable themes and subjects related to each theme not many in mine as I'm still a little confused.
Because we have to start looking at a body of practical work alongside our essay construction.
To get inspiration we had one hour to collect images from either the college or our local environment.
We couldn't use google or the college library.

  • Leeds University Parkinson building as it has a strong sense of grandeur about it. 
  • I don't really know what I'm doing
  • Found out you're not supposed to take pictures in the gallery 
  • The ceiling is very tall but why?

  • I don't know what I thought I'd find upstairs.
  • This poster image is tad weird though.
  • Why Jesus put a compass in the omlette?¿?¿?
  • There are so many stairs.
  • I got nothing really from this, to be honest.

  • I saw this pigeon and thought that it is the most relatable thing to my theme as the others which is that much like the building and jesus the pigeons have been around for some time.

 I feel a bit unfulfilled and think I need to have a clearer answer in my head before I go out looking for images within my environment also I need more environment. 

Thursday 22 October 2015

OUIL501 Death of the Author 500 word Analysis

There is a complexity to contemporary book cover illustrations of historical book novels that shows that ‘the removal of the author is not merely an historical fact or an act of writing’.
The death of the author comes through on two different occasions with two different contexts, first of all with any historical book we have already lost the author's personal intention 100’s of years before the illustrator of the novel is even alive. The illustrator's own interpretation of the book in the creation of the cover loses meaning as soon as it’s published because in modern society the focus leans more to the reader’s interpretation more than the author and the artist’s personal intentions.

Fig 1

I’ve chosen to use Mary Shelley's Frankenstein as my example. Whatever her own opinion or interpretation of her work has been completely discarded in the last 60-70 years.  ‘ Once the Author is removed the claim to decipher the text becomes quite futile’ which is why you see the focus of the novel as depicted in this illustration by Mara McAfee shift to Adam; Frankenstein’s monster instead of what it used to be Dr Frankenstein and his need to control mortality and they’re for desperate bid for god hood. However even this view can only be seen as my own as my education raised me to believe that finding deeper more complex meaning in the writings was more important than the author's own meaning.

Fig 2

In the original print of Frankenstein there is no imagery or visual interpretation about what could be happening within the book. That is because ‘Classic criticism has never paid attention to the reader; for it, the writer is the only person in literature’ because of this there is ‘no need’ for illustration on the book cover as it would mean an artist interpretation and summarising the book into one particular image and thus the authors intentions become insignificant, intended or not. 

Fig 3

The only image you may find in older books of frankenstein would have work similar to this, an almost literal interpretation of the script on the opposing page, which went through Mary Shelley's own assessment to make sure it did not alternate from what she wanted to say ‘the Author had been found the text explained- victory to the critic.’ Everything was to be derived only from Shelley's personal interpretation of the book. However even though all the imagery was supposed to mimic the author centric ideology by adding the images you have already begun to kill the author. People will interpret expressions and body language how they wish and again once something is published and distributed to the larger world there will always be, those who ignore the original authors interpretations of their work.

The difference between Frankenstein historically with its historical illustrations and imagery against Frankenstein in modern context with contemporary illustration is the way we deal with the concept of the death of the author theory in relation to Mary Shelley's work which ‘consciously or unconsciously, reflects our own position in time’ 


Barthes, R. (1968) 'The Death of the Author', London, Fontana.
Carr, E.H. (1961) 'What is History', Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. (History)

Fig 1: McAfee, Mara (1976) 'Frankenstein' [Book Cover]
Fig 2:  N/A (1818) 'Frankenstein' [Book Cover]
Fig 3 N/A (1831) 'Frankenstein' [Internal book illustration]

Sunday 18 October 2015

Context of the Flipped Classroom

  • The Flipped classroom theory bases itself around and anti-capitalistic education model.
  • Questions the Hierarchy of education, which is very teacher focused
  • Jacques Rancière Is the thinker behind this model who lived through 1968 student revolution.
  • Questioned the sexism, racism and classism of universities
  • Started collaboration with workers over the idea of academics being defaultly intellectually superior to working class and students.
  • They seized the University of Paris and made it a university open to one and all.

Repressive State Apparatus: The Police, The Army, The Prison

Ideological State Apparatus: Models of thinking (Education), Church, Media

  • School teaches us to think of ourselves as either superior or inferior
  • Not to question a capitalist society and why we are all monetarily valued
  • You are socialised into the present social structure used by your government
  • Gets you to associate value with grades and numbers as well as what you deserve to live.
  • Temporal logic of capitalism: Work/Sleep/Work

The Distribution of Sensibility 

  • People don't have an equal share of the work
  • Expected to be different from others
  • Causes an Inferiority Complex within people deemed as lower

Sunday 11 October 2015

The Death of the Author

What Message is Barthes Trying to Convey?

  • The authors importance has drastically changed from what it was in the past they have gone from being one of the most integral part of the work in classic critics to almost none essential in modern critics of the work. 
  • Authorship being almost irrelevant as the reader's own interpretation of the texts out weights the authors. 

How Does this Impact Illustration?

  • It teaches you that the significance of you as the creator is not as impactful as it once was. The death of the Author explains how once our work is out in the world it stops being ours and our own intentions for the work are almost insignificant when compared to the analysis of the viewer.

How Does it Relate to Your Chosen Theme?  

  • It shows how historically significant authorship was within olden society and how the focus of the author's life and intentions became more important than the book itself so a lot of the older historical books I will end up reading would rather telling me what it means rather than allow for the interpretation of multiple definitions by the reader.  This theory will force me to become further aware of how modern and historical writings interact with its audience. 

Saturday 10 October 2015

Context of Research and Epistemology

Embrace Failure Within both Work and Research it is key to your development.

Research has great impact on your ideas

Research can be : 





Types of Research 

Developed and created for a very specific use. Hasn't existed before.

Data already exists. Analysis of that research.


(Things that can't be factually justified)

Be clear of the purpose of your research:



(Theoretical Knowledge) 

Ontology: What is there to study?
Epistemology: How can we know about it?

Sunday 4 October 2015

Study Task- 501- 1st Task of the Year Pt 2

Chosen Word and My Definition: Historical- Concerning events from the past that cannot be accounted by multiple living testimonies.


3 Photographs 

Spooky Skeletons integrated into polite Victorian society 

A young feline whose owner hasn't seen her in days. 

The first ever selfie and thus the beginning of accessible narcissism 

3 Images

Study Task- 501- 1st Task of the Year Pt 1

Made a legible chart of what was written down

  • Of or concerning history or past events:
  • Belonging to the past:
  • (Especially of a novel or film) set in the past.
  • (Of the study of a subject) based on an analysis of its development over a period:
  • Relating to society or its organization
  • Relating to rank and status in society
  • Needing companionship and therefore best suited to living in communities
  • Relating to or designed for activities in which people meet each other for pleasure
  • An informal social gathering, especially one organized by the members of a particular club or group

  • Of or relating to the government or public affairs of a country
  • Relating to the ideas or strategies of a particular party or group in politics
  • Motivated by a person’s beliefs or actions concerning politics
  • Relating to the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a society
  • Relating to the arts and to intellectual achievements
  • Relating to or using technology