Sunday 18 October 2015

Context of the Flipped Classroom

  • The Flipped classroom theory bases itself around and anti-capitalistic education model.
  • Questions the Hierarchy of education, which is very teacher focused
  • Jacques Rancière Is the thinker behind this model who lived through 1968 student revolution.
  • Questioned the sexism, racism and classism of universities
  • Started collaboration with workers over the idea of academics being defaultly intellectually superior to working class and students.
  • They seized the University of Paris and made it a university open to one and all.

Repressive State Apparatus: The Police, The Army, The Prison

Ideological State Apparatus: Models of thinking (Education), Church, Media

  • School teaches us to think of ourselves as either superior or inferior
  • Not to question a capitalist society and why we are all monetarily valued
  • You are socialised into the present social structure used by your government
  • Gets you to associate value with grades and numbers as well as what you deserve to live.
  • Temporal logic of capitalism: Work/Sleep/Work

The Distribution of Sensibility 

  • People don't have an equal share of the work
  • Expected to be different from others
  • Causes an Inferiority Complex within people deemed as lower

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