Sunday 11 October 2015

The Death of the Author

What Message is Barthes Trying to Convey?

  • The authors importance has drastically changed from what it was in the past they have gone from being one of the most integral part of the work in classic critics to almost none essential in modern critics of the work. 
  • Authorship being almost irrelevant as the reader's own interpretation of the texts out weights the authors. 

How Does this Impact Illustration?

  • It teaches you that the significance of you as the creator is not as impactful as it once was. The death of the Author explains how once our work is out in the world it stops being ours and our own intentions for the work are almost insignificant when compared to the analysis of the viewer.

How Does it Relate to Your Chosen Theme?  

  • It shows how historically significant authorship was within olden society and how the focus of the author's life and intentions became more important than the book itself so a lot of the older historical books I will end up reading would rather telling me what it means rather than allow for the interpretation of multiple definitions by the reader.  This theory will force me to become further aware of how modern and historical writings interact with its audience. 

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