Friday 23 October 2015

Context Session 2

Split into theme groups (only one doing history) joint with one techonology and one maybe culture. Explored all the relatable themes and subjects related to each theme not many in mine as I'm still a little confused.
Because we have to start looking at a body of practical work alongside our essay construction.
To get inspiration we had one hour to collect images from either the college or our local environment.
We couldn't use google or the college library.

  • Leeds University Parkinson building as it has a strong sense of grandeur about it. 
  • I don't really know what I'm doing
  • Found out you're not supposed to take pictures in the gallery 
  • The ceiling is very tall but why?

  • I don't know what I thought I'd find upstairs.
  • This poster image is tad weird though.
  • Why Jesus put a compass in the omlette?¿?¿?
  • There are so many stairs.
  • I got nothing really from this, to be honest.

  • I saw this pigeon and thought that it is the most relatable thing to my theme as the others which is that much like the building and jesus the pigeons have been around for some time.

 I feel a bit unfulfilled and think I need to have a clearer answer in my head before I go out looking for images within my environment also I need more environment. 

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