Thursday 12 November 2015

Panopticism Institutions and Institutional Power

  • The power of certain groups in society over other groups
  • We enter into these power structures 

Physical Institutions

How these conditions or attitudes and aptitudes so that some succeed and some don't.
We a social beings produced by a society and the prejudices we grow with limit us and our ability to create art

Michel Foucault 
Disciplinary Society 

Michel Foucault - Madness and Civilisation, Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison

The great confinement
(late 1600s)

Houses of Corrections to curb unemployment and idleness
Madness included in society, wasn't negative were incorporated into normal life
as society developed it started to change especially with the growth of the industrial society.

The great confinement
(late 1600s)
Stopped as who is Useful and who is Useless
Forcing people work so that they were valuable:
Mentally Ill 
Realised they fucked up and now the criminal classes would corrupt others so would the mad. 
Create Specific institutions to create Specific deviances
The formal birth  of the Hospital, Asylum and Prison 

In the Asylum they infantilised the patients there.
Goes from physical control to more Mental Control.

Birth of the institution led to the emergence form knowledge such as biology, psychiatry, medicine 
The produce there own institutional experts creates internal hierarchy and social/ environmental structure. 

They make us internalise are responsibility teach us how to control and curate ourselves.

Pre-Modern Society the idea was that punishment would be a scare tactic and a display of ownership and power by the king over your body.

Modern Society use more subtle mental forms of discipline in society.  Discipline becomes about monitoring and control conduct and how you think or feel its about you becoming more productive for people to wield power over you.

Panopticon- Multifunctional institution, to maximise the effectiveness of whatever you put it to. 

Isolates and forces self regulation mentally disciplines you.

Forces monogamy.
Forces need for productiveness.

Aspect of panopticism- Surveillance state.
Aim is so that we fit and adhere to the higher systems version of usefulness. 

Open Plan office allows you to always be on display always watchable. 
Forces self regulation. Causes fear.

Perform an identity that the scrutiniser will like.

Richard Panopticoned Me!


oh no
they know my sins 

Power is not just mental it is also physical. 
Causes us to be Docile bodies 
obedient bodies 

Kanye west has become a Docile body 
Shia Labeouf is fighting the Docile body (I am not famous beginning this)


Media tries to teach us what the perfect body and what it means to be successful.

A rise in the Panoptical society with reality tv, trains us to regret conflict and is trying to teach us the flaws of life.

Richard says he has power over me. I can't believe that I am regressing after all those years of fighting for freedom I have just entered a slightly bigger gilded cage.

I am the Marquis de Sade of Facebook. The Liam gallagher of Art History. The Crown Prince of LS6. I have read the entire works of Aleister Crowley. I dance with the devil and currently possess no physical human form.

-Richard Miles 

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