Thursday 19 November 2015


Suggested Research Question.
This can be a topic or theme, but please try to be as precise as possible.

Artemisia Gentileschi and Alexandre Dumas; The need to erase the struggles of prolific minorities  
identity erasure 

Why do modern biographys of prolific hisorical minority erase their stuggles against the same societal stigmas faced to day?How do the modern depictions of Artemisia Gentileschi and Alexandre Dumas show the ruling social power structures need to erase the struggles of the minorities oppressed by it?

Which Of The Module Resources Does This Question Relate To?
You can find these on eStudio - Try to list at least three.  

Which Academic Sources Are Available On The Topic?
Include a Harvard Referenced bibliography of at least 5 sources.

Jacques Rancière, 2014. Figures of History. 1 Edition. Polity.

Lent, Tina Olsin. (2006). "My Heart Belongs to Daddy": The Fictionalization of Baroque Artist Artemisia Gentileschi in Contemporary Film and Novels. Literature Film Quarterly. 34 (3), 212.

Mary D. Garrard, 1991. Artemisia Gentileschi. Edition. Princeton University Press.

Eve Straussman-Pflanzer, 2013. Violence and Virtue: Artemisia Gentileschi's "Judith Slaying Holofernes" (Art Institute of Chicago). Edition. Art Institute of Chicago.

, 2006. The Artemisia Files: Artemisia Gentileschi for Feminists and Other Thinking People. Edition. University Of Chicago Press.

How Could The Research Question Be Investigated Through Practice?
What Illustration would you make in response to this, and why?
Looking at changing the power positions in famous paintings by putting women in positions of power.

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