Thursday 19 November 2015

Desire Lecture

  • Sigmund Freud - Psychotherapy "The Talking Cure"
  • That some of the physical issues are not always medical but mental
  • Looking at subjectivity 


The discovery of the unconscious, the unknowable ie PTSD
Slid into consciousness via symptoms we need to dig up the unconscious  
Infants have sexuality and libido apparently
Sounds like like the defense statement of someone who has been caught
Eros (Libido) Thanatos (Death Instinct)

Structural model of the psyche

Theory of Desire

"Little Hans"
Fear of being bitten by a horse = Oedipus Complex
Dad = Horse

Desire is a conscious Vehicle  for unconscious drive 

"The Hidden Persuaders" - Vance Packard

Milk p 107

Ice Cream p 109 

WW2 Soldiers with Shell Shock Craved Milk  for an unconscious desire to return to childhood.

Jacques Lacan 
(I wondered where the french man would come)

Transposed Fraud theory into a Linguistic model

The Unconscious has a structure 
 "Desire is neither the appetite for satisfaction, nor the demand for love, but the difference that results from the subtraction of the first from the second."[61] Desire is the a surplus, a leftover, produced by the articulation of need in demand: "desire begins to take shape in the margin in which demand becomes separated from need." -Lacan
A Baby Is Just Instinct and Meat 

We Stockholm babies with their dependency on us 

Desire vs Need

Desire is never attainable for you will always defer on to the next thing
Confronting the emptiness being debilitating and traumatic for you.

Why does everyone want to bang their Mother???

Gotta be hot to get the Hotties 

The Narcissistic self - "the Mirror Stage"
International Men's day Be Proud or something idk
Identification and Desire are intertwined
Pre-Learning about cigarette cause cancer 

Post-learning about cancer
Rosalind Gill

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