Tuesday 11 October 2016

Methodologies & Critical Analysis

  • Gotta evidence this in our work.
  • Separates bourgeois dissertations from working class presentation
  • $40 available for Meth & Crit
  • analysis and Research
Good Critical Analysis and a Good Methodology will lead to it.


Image result for pepe silvia

What is My Methodology?
How to Improve and Sharpen My methodology?
How to evidence and documenting methodology?

Documentation of methodology as important.

Every research project will have methodology
(even if ill thought out)

I have a strategy maybe? 

Methodologies is Science But I am Art?????

Highschool Science I'm Triggered 

Make something applicable to your dissertation

Richard Praised me longest Yea Boi

A I have a methodology this is where it is  
-Strategic approach to organising your research in your essay
-should consider the strengths and weaknesses of 
-Reflective and thoughtful as well as critical.
Methodology is unique to each project
-nothing is wrong but it can be improved and refined 

Gotta defend my approach 

Image result for knight ready to fight

Read in the library
Reflective Diary
Photo Journalism
Documentary Filmmaking

Get the best Tools For the Job

Doing Your Research Project

The PostGrad Research Handbook -Chp13,14,15


Put loads of consideration into the methodology

Qualitative maybe bit quantative

explain my methodology approach 2 ur dissertation

use the word methodology
Explain reason for particular focus
methodology looks at both what and why

Who? What? When? Why? Methodology 

dates and text types of methodology marxist methodologists

Research methods helped construct specific bits

Find a Case Study

Critical Analysis

why one method is better than another but maybe not slagging people off 100% of the time.

Picking the strong from the Weak 

Closer to skepticism in philosophy

Coming up with an idea then ripping it apart by disprovesion.
Don't be blindly loyal to one single idea. 

There is no absolute truth 

You can't be truly objective but you can be critical
Where the biased look at the context 
Blog bout ur practice 

What was that person: a

Need to have an underpinning "coherent" argument  

my opinion is backed up by 500 years of racist bullshit 

Image result for a man eating linguine
I am The man  the pasta is research and evidence 
Successful studies for degrees -Barnes 

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Have Sources Fight One another 


Potassium, so wait.

Looking back over my blog I saw a point at witch I found about blackness in christian europe being related to demons + black white minstrel show on the otherness of blackness.

????? PLAN??????

Now- Contact Mel and Black leeds uni union? Also contact Marvina & contact Black artist in the business / day for drawing

Week-4 Have to have been in Liverpool and Harewood house by then / Play with ideas sketch lino cut

Week- 5 Get all evidence together 4 essay / more rounded drawing

Week-6 Lino cuts experiment start essay

Week-7 Work/Work/Work

Week-8 Draft Done

Week-9 coming towards final roughs

Week-10 Work

Week-11 Work

Week-12/13 Final Essay + finalising my final art piece/s

Week-14/15 Final binding + onceovers

Key Sources & Biblography

Alexander, Claire E. The Art Of Being Black. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996. Print.

Bindman, David, Henry Louis Gates, and Karen C. C Dalton. The Image Of The Black In Western Art. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap, 2010. Print.

Bindman, David, Henry Louis Gates, and Karen C. C Dalton. The Image Of The Black In Western Art. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2010. Print.

Bugner, Ladislas, Karen C. C Dalton, and Hugh Honour. The Image Of The Black In Western Art. Houston: Menil Foundation, distributed by Harvard University Press, 1989. Print.

Chambers, Eddie. Black Artists In British Art. Print.

Earle, T. F and K. J. P Lowe. Black Africans In Renaissance Europe. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2005. Print.

Hall, S. "Black Diaspora Artists In Britain: Three 'Moments' In Post-War History". History Workshop Journal 61.1 (2006): 1-24. Web.

Hall, Stuart, David Morley, and Kuan-Hsing Chen. Stuart Hall. London: Routledge, 1996. Print.

Marsh, Jan. Black Victorians. Aldershot, Hampshire: Lund Humphries, 2005. Print.

Mercer, Kobena. "Ethnicity And Internationally". Third Text 13.49 (1999): 51-62. Web.

Nederveen Pieterse, Jan. White On Black. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1992. Print.

Parsons, Neil. King Khama, Emperor Joe, And The Great White Queen. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1998. Print.

Pinder, Kymberly N. Race-Ing Art History. New York: Routledge, 2002. Print.

Scott, Daryl Michael. Contempt And Pity: Social Policy And The Image Of The Damaged Black Psyche, 1880-1996. University of North Carolina Press, 1997. Print.

Shonibare, Yinka et al. Yinka Shonibare, MBE. Munich: Prestel, 2008. Print.

Waters, Hazel. Racism On The Victorian Stage. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2007. Print.

Monday 10 October 2016

Project Outline (Temp)

Intro (800-1000)
Black presence ignored both good and bad
link to enlightenment essay
how do modern artists approach this specifically Shonibare

Ch 1 Black Victorians + Western Image book (2000-2500)
  • Importance of these books 2 black british presence
  • Why we need them and what we learn from them 
  • How they can prove and disprove racial propaganda
  • Art as social propaganda  

CH 2 Dandy-Shonibare (2500-3000)

  • Compare 2 darwin and his views + empire on unsophisticated blacks
  • how this links into why he did it.
  • Question of colonisation?
  • Anti-black 19th century propaganda 

Ch 3 Importance of Shonibare's work when compared to works found in formerly mentioned books. (300-500)
  • The Black perspective on representation and its importance. compared to images selected from above
Ch4 My work and how that informs and is informed by this dissertation (300-500) 

Conclusion (700-1000)

  • Why? What? When? Where? Racism 
  • The synthesis between Historical oppression in art and Modern liberation of the black image
  • end???
Max: 8500 Min:6600

Dissertation Title Concepts

Black Body, British commodity:

The Nameless Negro:

How Slavery built Britain;

Why dont  buildings built as a result of slavery in Britain  recognise their origins

Why won't britain deal with it's own hand in slavery?

Erasure of the Black Intellect in Victorian Britain.

Hidden Black Britain

Why are Black British Historical Figures Not recognized or given the respect of even the most mediocre white british Historical figures? O' Wait I know why, Anti- Black Britain?

Lording over white men in history who came to their wealth on the bodies of black people.

Black Body, British Commodity: How was White British Wealth built on the Black Oppression?

Black Suffering, British Gain; The Lies Of an Empire

Exploitation of the Black self Erasure of Black Success.

How British History Exploits and Erases Black Success?

I love History but I'm black and it's making me sad.

The sin of being born black according to History

How art is being used to expose positive black presence in British History?

How Art is being used to expose black presence in british history?

I got sad for a bit doing this as I realised how upsetting being black and knowing how they treated us back in time and how it's covered up or brushed of now but I have to see the positive sides coming out of black britain (alongside white britain) beginning to expose the injustices that have happened before hand. I think I need to go either super horrific and humorous in my art or super positive. I think the former is funner and most likely. 

Thursday 6 October 2016

Presentation & Feedback

The presentation went well. Feedback wise I recognise that a big thing that holds me back in cop and what Richard mentions today was synthesising the writing element with the practical element. Focusing solely on Yinka Shonibare for my dissertation works, however it doesn't translate as a question to my practical work as succinctly.

I just found out Liverpool has history with slavery; being apart of the slavery triangle and all. So I'll go to there to the museum on slavery to find more out on how it affected the culture in liverpool.

A List of all Places that were built by or as a result of slavery That I wish to visit:

  • Harewood House, Leeds
  • Gallery of Modern art, Glasgow
  • Liverpool Town Hall, Liverpool
  • Speck Hall, Liverpool
  • Sneaton Castle, Whitby
Researching the 'benefits' of slavery for the upper class and merchant class white populous in britain further I find myself pissed the fuck off. These buildings where symbols of wealth, symbols of how in selling the lives of others and forcing them into slavery you could build yourselves homes and galleries. 

The blood of black people ran the wheels on British creativity. 

The Black Body as a British commodity: How Black british artists use art to expose 500years of black oppression in Britian