Monday 10 October 2016

Project Outline (Temp)

Intro (800-1000)
Black presence ignored both good and bad
link to enlightenment essay
how do modern artists approach this specifically Shonibare

Ch 1 Black Victorians + Western Image book (2000-2500)
  • Importance of these books 2 black british presence
  • Why we need them and what we learn from them 
  • How they can prove and disprove racial propaganda
  • Art as social propaganda  

CH 2 Dandy-Shonibare (2500-3000)

  • Compare 2 darwin and his views + empire on unsophisticated blacks
  • how this links into why he did it.
  • Question of colonisation?
  • Anti-black 19th century propaganda 

Ch 3 Importance of Shonibare's work when compared to works found in formerly mentioned books. (300-500)
  • The Black perspective on representation and its importance. compared to images selected from above
Ch4 My work and how that informs and is informed by this dissertation (300-500) 

Conclusion (700-1000)

  • Why? What? When? Where? Racism 
  • The synthesis between Historical oppression in art and Modern liberation of the black image
  • end???
Max: 8500 Min:6600

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