Monday 10 October 2016

Dissertation Title Concepts

Black Body, British commodity:

The Nameless Negro:

How Slavery built Britain;

Why dont  buildings built as a result of slavery in Britain  recognise their origins

Why won't britain deal with it's own hand in slavery?

Erasure of the Black Intellect in Victorian Britain.

Hidden Black Britain

Why are Black British Historical Figures Not recognized or given the respect of even the most mediocre white british Historical figures? O' Wait I know why, Anti- Black Britain?

Lording over white men in history who came to their wealth on the bodies of black people.

Black Body, British Commodity: How was White British Wealth built on the Black Oppression?

Black Suffering, British Gain; The Lies Of an Empire

Exploitation of the Black self Erasure of Black Success.

How British History Exploits and Erases Black Success?

I love History but I'm black and it's making me sad.

The sin of being born black according to History

How art is being used to expose positive black presence in British History?

How Art is being used to expose black presence in british history?

I got sad for a bit doing this as I realised how upsetting being black and knowing how they treated us back in time and how it's covered up or brushed of now but I have to see the positive sides coming out of black britain (alongside white britain) beginning to expose the injustices that have happened before hand. I think I need to go either super horrific and humorous in my art or super positive. I think the former is funner and most likely. 

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