Wednesday 6 May 2015

OUIL401 Final Evauation

Leeds College of Art
OUIL401 Context of Practice
End of Module Self Evaluation

Naomi Crompton

1.     What skills have you developed through this brief and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
·       Learning to translate in-depth information into informative imagery- I felt that although my final image was not a direct translation of the essay it came out very well and was heavily informed by the research I did.
·       The importance of language- how language can be used as a tool to enhance and inform illustration and because of the way I think and process things language is a integral tool in my arsenal.
·       Adaptability within ideas and taking others advice- the advice I got from my post-pecha kucha discussion was integral to the way I tackled my diagram. Even though I do find it difficult to take my peers advice on sometimes I’m learning that being more open to advice and more adaptable in my work really pays of in the long run

2.  What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your practical outcomes?
·       Relevance- I love researching subjects I’m interested in and can get lost bogged down in wanting to know anything and everything about a chosen subject. So I learnt on this module to become more focused about what I specifically wanted to know and how the research I chose would help me develop my essay further
·       Multiple- using multiple sources for research, books, articles, cited dissertations, academic articles, films, documentaries are all integral to get a greater understanding of a subject you have to chose varied but appropriate research material which I felt I did really well. 

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

·       Research and understanding for me have been major strengths as I enjoy learning and translating that into more concise facts and imagery although I don’t know how well I employ that in the end. I do off on rants a lot.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

·       I need to become more concise in presentations
·       My essay writing needs to improve and I hope to utilise student support more when it comes to help reviewing the flow of my work.
·       I felt like I failed in making a direct translation of my essay into a illustration but I feel like that is mainly to do with me biting off more than I can chew with this essay
·       Look to explore and discuss content that can be more thoroughly explained within 3000 words.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

·      I would look a just medieval prostitution in England/ Europe rather than the history of. More precision allows for greater depth in the essay.
·      Be more specific and in-depth about my own definition of patriarchal misogynistic society. It allows the reader and the essay to have a better reference to a more solidified concept rather than leaving my key factor of the essay so open-ended.
·      Look more at the philosophical side of society and how it effects the views of my subject-It’s an important factor missed out from social based essays also may help when coming to illustrating diagram
·      Less waffling in pecha kucha- so I don’t run over next time
·      Go to student support- to help ne in the way I write may essay as it comes across as a constant stream of thought.

6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas:
(please indicate using an ‘x’) 

5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor






Quantity of work produced


Quality of work produced


Contribution to the group

The evaluation of your work is an important part of the assessment criteria and represents a percentage of the overall grade. It is essential that you give yourself enough time to complete your written evaluation fully and with appropriate depth and level of self-reflection. If you have any questions relating to the self-evaluation process speak to a member of staff as soon as possible.

A copy of your end of module self evaluation should be posted to your studio practice blog. This should be the last post before the submission of work and will provide the starting point for the assessment process. Post a copy of your evaluation to your PPP blog as evidence of your own on going evaluation.


I really like cop especially being able to do my own question and research because I am a massive nerd who likes to learn capitalistically useless things, Especially about social mentality within different societie

OUIL401 Final Diagram

After further research and a mini rant about my findings I got a good Idea of what I wanted to do for the final Diagram and just ran with it. 

The key component in this was the depiction of the Whore of Babylon: 
This felt too caricature esque and the message would come across as more of a punchline like 'you think shes how but it's just women and their tricky and makeup and such always trying to seduce us men' 
My next attempt reminded me much of the 60's illustration of the Whore of Babylon.
Also her expression expresses anger and disgust and I don't think shes like ew gross but more apathetic towards men.

Here She is lounged in a way that would be comfortable for her depicted as maybe slightly irritated that they are in her way and although nude it feels less of a 'ooh boobs for the men to see me in a super sexy way' and more of a 'it's hot I'm lazy and bras are way too much effort at this point'

This was a quick media test as I bought myself some new digital brushes- the right is watercolour and the left is gouache.
With this I prefer the watercolour as I'm feeling like making some crazy textures. 

I’m really chuffed at how this Diagram turned out. The transition form the essay to the illustration took a lot more idea generation and further research than I thought I would need to do however I feel like this Diagram discuses and informs a lot more than my previous ideas. This is on of the first fully digital pieces I have done and it feels like and achievement especially with the text as I turned my own hand writing into a for and I found is tat a lot better alongside my work than most types would have and because of the way I designed and coloured the diagram the whole thing felt a lot more unified that some of my previous attempts at image and type. The colour’s and digital brushes use have been a new learning experience fore me ad although some panels came off better than others I feel like I can still classify the digital colouring as a success however it is obvious to me that more practice with the digital watercolour brushes is needed.  Although I didn’t want to use language it has been an integral tool in the success of the diagram as it has allowed for both humour and information to be delivered to the viewer in a very simplistic way. I found that when I am more open to the idea of embracing and utilising language as part of my work it helps to emphasise my tone of voice. It’s is something I should look at pushing further in different directions (not always necessarily humour). One of the reasons I enjoyed this so much was because this module and this piece of work was about learning and informing myself in-depth on something and the translating that into imagery that could inform someone else.

OUIL401 The Whore of Babylon- Reclamation of Her Objectification

Depicting the Whore of Babylon as Submissive

  •  I was searching for more pictures of the amazing lady that is the Whore of Babylon a woman who cares more about her own lust than that of the men around her a woman who even the John the prophet is like 'And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.' Like he knows she is like super "evil" but even he is like 'well done, ballsy move' 
  • So I'm looking for picture of her, this powerful amazing women that gains the prophets admiration, kings adoration and pisses of angels and this is what I find: 
    In this 60's recreation of her they have done a few things I don't agree with:
Her pose and the way she holds herself is purely done in this way to make her look insisting to men, she has been drawn in a way that would appeal to men as well as dressed in clothes that men at that time would fined sexualy attractive. First things first The Whore of Babylon did not and would not dress or model herself a certain way to seduce men . From researching and coming to my own opinion on her I strongly believe she would dress and act for herself. The whole idea of the whore is that she seeks her desires before men's, she is the mother of abominations the great harlot. She isn't worried about if men find her attractive because she has the confidence and power that draw men in. She is beautiful but to her own standards It is what pleases her that matters and I don't feel like this image took that into account. 

Most Modern depiction of the Whore of Babylon I could find
  • Part of me doesn't even want to say anything about this mockery of her.
  • This is fundamentally based around pleasing a male audience and not showing a dominating woman so that men still feel in control
  • Her expression are soft at neutral so that she doesn't intimidate
  • Her posture and positioning suggest subservience 

What Am I Going to Do about it:

Apart from ranting I do have a plan of action, I'm going to take this built for your pleasure version of the Whore of Babylon and look at recreating her as a women built for her own needs. I also aim to use the diagram to discuss my findings of how the whore is misconceived by most people (especially men) within this piece. 

OUIL401 Pecha Kucha

  • Looking at the inequality and misogyny faced by prostitutes throughout English history.
  • How society was molded around isolating female prostitutes
  • *female prostitute= woman who works in the sex industry with now way of getting out.

  • Looked at 4 significant sections of English history that affected prostitutes within society
  • Medieval, Georgian, Victorian and Modern Day

  • Recognised the wheel of violence implemented by misogynistic society to keep female prostitutes in the lower ends of society
  • How I learnt this via dissecting my essay. and further research into violence and prostitution. 

  • Significant part of this was the prostitute myth which was to spread the ethos that prostitutes fully enjoyed and felt constant satisfaction from having sex with men continuously.  

  • Started in medieval times - hydraulic valve system which is that if men don't have sex they will rape and kill and it's not their fault if they fo.
  • The whore of babylon reflected how people felt about prostitutes. see them as lusty demons tempting me into sin and not people.

  • Tale of weeping bitch symbolised medieval societies pressure to course women into buckling under pressure from men to have sex with them. 

  • In georgian and victorian era the women were seen as either diseases or products reflected by the contagion disease act 1864 part 19 and the covent garden guide to prostitutes.

  • How in modern day female prostitute aren't seen as real people and how historical events have informed the treatment of female prostitutes today.

  • Watched french film which depicted the height of when female prostitutes were the most 'accepted' in society
  • It showed even then how deeply ostracised female prostitutes are as well as subjected to both sexual and physical violence no matter if they work in a high class brothel or on the streets

  • Started trying to work out how I was going to depict the struggle of prostitutes
  • I had no idea what I was doing

  • Knew that I didn't want my work to continue on the objectification and dehumanisation of female prostitutes like the work above

  • Using the whore of babylon to symbolise all the misconceptions about prostitutes within society
  • Since she was seen as the mother of Whore's 

  • Looking at the reality of prostitution vs the myth within my sketchbook
  • Still unsure what to do

  • Still very unsure of myself when it comes to this project

  • Thinking of a series of comic strips depicting how the myth and reality of the life of a female prostitute differs differently throughout english history 
  • Looking at Kate Beaton artist who turns information of historical figures into semi relatable characters
  • Thinking of reducing the use of language and making an abstract timeline of the trials of prostitutes throughout history 
  • Unsure if the message is gotten across???

  • Idea of a brothel that shows the contrast between reality and myth in each window
  • Think it is strongest idea

  • Looking at colour symbolism and using composition and character to contrast each.
  • Media experimentation

  • Colour symbolism as important and using more neutral tones to fill in background

  • Realising that nearly all the ideas I've had so far including the brothel victims of objectify female prostitutes still forgetting that the main point I've been hammering on about and want to get across is that female prostitutes are not objects but people and should be treated as such
  • What should I do??? 

After Pecha Kucha Discussion and What I Got away from It.

  • The Whore of Babylon is a very interesting figure to look further into 
  • What do I think of her - She is an ace babe in control of her sexuality and biblically men hated that as it showed women as more incontrol and less oppressed
  • Her tale is suppose to make women feel shame over their bodies even though like she doesn't give a fuck about the kings letting their cities burn down because they want to bone her. 
  • I need to look a bit more into this lady.
  • Moving away from female prostitutes to the Whore of Babylon is a good step .