Wednesday 6 May 2015

OUIL401 Pecha Kucha

  • Looking at the inequality and misogyny faced by prostitutes throughout English history.
  • How society was molded around isolating female prostitutes
  • *female prostitute= woman who works in the sex industry with now way of getting out.

  • Looked at 4 significant sections of English history that affected prostitutes within society
  • Medieval, Georgian, Victorian and Modern Day

  • Recognised the wheel of violence implemented by misogynistic society to keep female prostitutes in the lower ends of society
  • How I learnt this via dissecting my essay. and further research into violence and prostitution. 

  • Significant part of this was the prostitute myth which was to spread the ethos that prostitutes fully enjoyed and felt constant satisfaction from having sex with men continuously.  

  • Started in medieval times - hydraulic valve system which is that if men don't have sex they will rape and kill and it's not their fault if they fo.
  • The whore of babylon reflected how people felt about prostitutes. see them as lusty demons tempting me into sin and not people.

  • Tale of weeping bitch symbolised medieval societies pressure to course women into buckling under pressure from men to have sex with them. 

  • In georgian and victorian era the women were seen as either diseases or products reflected by the contagion disease act 1864 part 19 and the covent garden guide to prostitutes.

  • How in modern day female prostitute aren't seen as real people and how historical events have informed the treatment of female prostitutes today.

  • Watched french film which depicted the height of when female prostitutes were the most 'accepted' in society
  • It showed even then how deeply ostracised female prostitutes are as well as subjected to both sexual and physical violence no matter if they work in a high class brothel or on the streets

  • Started trying to work out how I was going to depict the struggle of prostitutes
  • I had no idea what I was doing

  • Knew that I didn't want my work to continue on the objectification and dehumanisation of female prostitutes like the work above

  • Using the whore of babylon to symbolise all the misconceptions about prostitutes within society
  • Since she was seen as the mother of Whore's 

  • Looking at the reality of prostitution vs the myth within my sketchbook
  • Still unsure what to do

  • Still very unsure of myself when it comes to this project

  • Thinking of a series of comic strips depicting how the myth and reality of the life of a female prostitute differs differently throughout english history 
  • Looking at Kate Beaton artist who turns information of historical figures into semi relatable characters
  • Thinking of reducing the use of language and making an abstract timeline of the trials of prostitutes throughout history 
  • Unsure if the message is gotten across???

  • Idea of a brothel that shows the contrast between reality and myth in each window
  • Think it is strongest idea

  • Looking at colour symbolism and using composition and character to contrast each.
  • Media experimentation

  • Colour symbolism as important and using more neutral tones to fill in background

  • Realising that nearly all the ideas I've had so far including the brothel victims of objectify female prostitutes still forgetting that the main point I've been hammering on about and want to get across is that female prostitutes are not objects but people and should be treated as such
  • What should I do??? 

After Pecha Kucha Discussion and What I Got away from It.

  • The Whore of Babylon is a very interesting figure to look further into 
  • What do I think of her - She is an ace babe in control of her sexuality and biblically men hated that as it showed women as more incontrol and less oppressed
  • Her tale is suppose to make women feel shame over their bodies even though like she doesn't give a fuck about the kings letting their cities burn down because they want to bone her. 
  • I need to look a bit more into this lady.
  • Moving away from female prostitutes to the Whore of Babylon is a good step . 

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