Wednesday 6 May 2015

OUIL401 The Whore of Babylon- Reclamation of Her Objectification

Depicting the Whore of Babylon as Submissive

  •  I was searching for more pictures of the amazing lady that is the Whore of Babylon a woman who cares more about her own lust than that of the men around her a woman who even the John the prophet is like 'And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.' Like he knows she is like super "evil" but even he is like 'well done, ballsy move' 
  • So I'm looking for picture of her, this powerful amazing women that gains the prophets admiration, kings adoration and pisses of angels and this is what I find: 
    In this 60's recreation of her they have done a few things I don't agree with:
Her pose and the way she holds herself is purely done in this way to make her look insisting to men, she has been drawn in a way that would appeal to men as well as dressed in clothes that men at that time would fined sexualy attractive. First things first The Whore of Babylon did not and would not dress or model herself a certain way to seduce men . From researching and coming to my own opinion on her I strongly believe she would dress and act for herself. The whole idea of the whore is that she seeks her desires before men's, she is the mother of abominations the great harlot. She isn't worried about if men find her attractive because she has the confidence and power that draw men in. She is beautiful but to her own standards It is what pleases her that matters and I don't feel like this image took that into account. 

Most Modern depiction of the Whore of Babylon I could find
  • Part of me doesn't even want to say anything about this mockery of her.
  • This is fundamentally based around pleasing a male audience and not showing a dominating woman so that men still feel in control
  • Her expression are soft at neutral so that she doesn't intimidate
  • Her posture and positioning suggest subservience 

What Am I Going to Do about it:

Apart from ranting I do have a plan of action, I'm going to take this built for your pleasure version of the Whore of Babylon and look at recreating her as a women built for her own needs. I also aim to use the diagram to discuss my findings of how the whore is misconceived by most people (especially men) within this piece. 

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