Wednesday 6 May 2015

OUIL401 Final Diagram

After further research and a mini rant about my findings I got a good Idea of what I wanted to do for the final Diagram and just ran with it. 

The key component in this was the depiction of the Whore of Babylon: 
This felt too caricature esque and the message would come across as more of a punchline like 'you think shes how but it's just women and their tricky and makeup and such always trying to seduce us men' 
My next attempt reminded me much of the 60's illustration of the Whore of Babylon.
Also her expression expresses anger and disgust and I don't think shes like ew gross but more apathetic towards men.

Here She is lounged in a way that would be comfortable for her depicted as maybe slightly irritated that they are in her way and although nude it feels less of a 'ooh boobs for the men to see me in a super sexy way' and more of a 'it's hot I'm lazy and bras are way too much effort at this point'

This was a quick media test as I bought myself some new digital brushes- the right is watercolour and the left is gouache.
With this I prefer the watercolour as I'm feeling like making some crazy textures. 

I’m really chuffed at how this Diagram turned out. The transition form the essay to the illustration took a lot more idea generation and further research than I thought I would need to do however I feel like this Diagram discuses and informs a lot more than my previous ideas. This is on of the first fully digital pieces I have done and it feels like and achievement especially with the text as I turned my own hand writing into a for and I found is tat a lot better alongside my work than most types would have and because of the way I designed and coloured the diagram the whole thing felt a lot more unified that some of my previous attempts at image and type. The colour’s and digital brushes use have been a new learning experience fore me ad although some panels came off better than others I feel like I can still classify the digital colouring as a success however it is obvious to me that more practice with the digital watercolour brushes is needed.  Although I didn’t want to use language it has been an integral tool in the success of the diagram as it has allowed for both humour and information to be delivered to the viewer in a very simplistic way. I found that when I am more open to the idea of embracing and utilising language as part of my work it helps to emphasise my tone of voice. It’s is something I should look at pushing further in different directions (not always necessarily humour). One of the reasons I enjoyed this so much was because this module and this piece of work was about learning and informing myself in-depth on something and the translating that into imagery that could inform someone else.

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