Tuesday 20 December 2016

Fabiola Jean-Louis, Kendrick Lamar: The Reclamation of Blackness

  • Jean-Louis Uses oppressive and racist laws written throughout america's history to construct a colonial paper dress. Using the past documents used to oppress black people and turning it into a tool to construct and reclaim the brutality of slavery to black colonials 
  • Lamar's Grammy performance was a look at the use of the american prison system being used to replace slavery in the modern times. Confronting and being unapologetic in its representation of african american oppression.
  • Both of these artist have contextualised the brutal history of black oppression as a result of the transatlantic slave trade and created brutally unapologetic piece of work looking to reclaim the voices of those treated unjustly as a result of the colour of their skin.
  • The concept of the work I create being contextual is very important to me. As I realise that my work needs to be a reclamation of the information I have gathered. The art I produce must be my retelling of these facts, uncensored in anyway. To create authentic work that mimic the way I have tried to challenge british slavery in my dissertation has now become crucial to the further development of my work. 

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