Tuesday 20 December 2016

refining final concept

  • Realised I need to use Thinner non textured paper because the print is so fine that any texture on the paper and you end up loosing details 
  • The reason for cutting out the positive in onside and negative in the other is because i want to keep the colour palette limited so by using the amount of black or white in the each half of the print it changes the way its views and visually creates a striking divide between the two characters.
  • The prints obviously need to be bigger. 
  • Getting the characters in poses that almost (but not entirely) mimic one another would add to this. 
  • Creating the divide between the two in a portrait orientation may work better because it has class connotations of up top/down bellow as well as allowing for a more direct contrast in the characters experiences. 
  • Try to have slaves characters body pushed together more to really emphasise the idea she is desperately trying to escape. 
  • Become free er with the way I depict the movement of the bodies.

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