Thursday 22 December 2016

Parallel Narrative and how its shaping the composition of my

Cruikshank's John Bulls taking a look at the Negro Question!! aka A Parallel Narrative

How am I defining a Parallel narrative within the context of my own art?
A parallel narrative to me is an image that has more than one scene going on within it and can be seen as its own independent narrative however they can also work intagent together to contextualise one another. 

What a Parallel Narrative Allows?
Allows for an emphasis to describe the vast differences between two opposing scenes visually. 

Why would this be the most effective display of what I want to get Across?

Really getting across the idea of injustice the vast differences of those suffering and those gaining from slavery. Unapologetic in exposing the vastly different experiences  racially for black people who were slaves for white europeans. 

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