Friday 9 December 2016

David Olusoga Talk

I went to a talk by David Olusoga in York. It was spontaneous for me personally because i literally only found out about it and booked it 4 days prior to knowing about it.

However it was a very informative talk. He discussed the fact that the Royal African Company, a slave trade company, captured and enslaved 1.5 million African people. The company would also brand them with the King's seal because they where supported and partially funded by King Charles II and King James II's. Both Kings also got roughly 50% of money gained from the selling of the slaves.

I found out some more uncomfortable facts about Rape shacks and the like as well.

However I did get to talk to David Olusoga on a one to one basis. We talked about how art of black people from that time always pertained these connotations of black inferiority. Although Olusoga did mention that the Black man depicted on Nelson's column in `London is an outlier from this theory, it was also agreed that one out of hundreds if not thousands of depictions of black people not holding to this theory does not invalidate said theory.

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